Now that you're on the main stage with your new symbol instance, create a new layer. This layer will hold our Actionscript 3.0 code, from the Actions panel. Flash doesn't allow Actionscript to be on a layer that has display objects in it, so we have to create a new black layer. You can name the layer if you wish. In this new layer, on frame one, select f9 to go into the actions panel. Here is the code that you must enter:
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateTriangle, false, 0, true);
function rotateTriangle(e:Event) {
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(mouseY - triangle.y, mouseX - triangle.x);
triangle.rotation = angle * (180 / Math.PI);
Okay, this is the code that runs the mouse follow program. In order for this program to work, the program has to know what to do and when. In this case, we're answering the second question first, with our Event Listener. As the name suggest, an Event Listener waits for something to happen and then does something. There are many things that it can listen for. In our case, we need to wait for the mouse to move, because that's what we're following. But how do we do this? Logically, you would say that we need to write a function that says that whenever the mouse moves, the triangle should change direction.
If you look at the part highlighted in red, our Event Listener is actually going to do something every time that an event called "Enter_Frame" happens. What is ENTER_FRAME? It is the frame rate. Basically, every time a frame passes in Flash, an ENTER_FRAME event is sent out. So if your Flash movie is set at the default 24 frames per second, ENTER_FRAME happens 24 times every second.
I know what you're thinking: "But we don't need to track the rotation of the triangle every frame of the animation. It only needs to be moved when the mouse moves." While it is true that we would save some memory if the computer only had to keep track of the triangle's rotation when the mouse actually moved, it would take more work than it was worth to implement such functionality. And besides, if there is a constant stream of events, happening every frame, we won't have to worry about input lag.
Input lag is the amount of time that it takes for a machine to respond to your input. It might be one millisecond, but it's still detectable. If we were to rotate the triangle only when the mouse moved, we would have to wait for the computer to see the mouse move, load up the program and execute the function. By having our function run with the frame rate, however, we keep the computer on its toes so that it doesn't get caught napping. If there is any slowdown as a result of over-use, it will be spread out across 24 frames, instead of being concentrated at the initial frame, when the computer first detected the movement of the mouse.
This is a companion blog created by me in order to air some of my discoveries and beginnings since purchasing Adobe Flash CS Professional in April of 2010.
Point at Pointer 1
Okay, Here's something I haven't done before. Have you ever wanted to figure out how to add a function into a game that points an object at another object? Like if you have a space ship shooter and you want the enemy turrets to point at you and fire, or if you're making a Missile Command style game and you want to have the missile launcher point where your pointer is pointing? Here's how you do it. To start off, create a new Actionscript 3.0 Flash File.
Before you do anything else, make sure that Object Mode is selected at the bottom of the tool box (it's a circle inside of a square).Go into the tool box and press and hold on the Rectangle Tool. A pop-up menu should come. Go down to the Polystar tool at the bottom. In the Tool Settings at the bottom of the menu, click on options. Another pop-up menu should show up. In the Number of Sides field, put 3 (make sure the style field is set to polygon and not star). When you're done click okay.
Now, drag out a triangle onto the field. By default it will be equilateral. Make sure that when you draw it that the top of the Triangle is at a zero degree angle, or pointing perfectly to the right. It might seem logical to have the top pointing up, but it won't work right if we don't point it at zero degrees.
Double-click the triangle and enter inside of it's layers (do not lock the original layer). Create a new layer on top of the original layer and create a new, smaller triangle of a different color than the original. Make sure that it is also pointed at zero degrees, perfectly to the right. It doesn't have to light up perfectly at this time. Now select both triangles and go to the Align menu. Check the box at the the bottom which says "Align to Stage," because we want the symbol's contents to be aligned to the center. Then select the options to align to the middle vertically and horizontally.
Finished? Okay, now exit the shape and go back to the stage. Select the triangle that is pointing to the right, ninety degrees from the Y axis, and select the modify menu and then select Convert to Symbol. Name your new symbol "ThreeSided" with no spaces. Make sure that the registration for the symbol, the symbol's rotation point, is in the exact middle of the shape so that it rotates around its center. Finish making the symbol, then go to your Library panel. Select ThreeSided from the Library and drag it out onto the stage. Click on the object and go to the properties panel.
In the properties panel there is a field called "instance name." Click in this field and type in the name "triangle." Now you have an instance of the ThreeSided class named triangle.
Before you do anything else, make sure that Object Mode is selected at the bottom of the tool box (it's a circle inside of a square).Go into the tool box and press and hold on the Rectangle Tool. A pop-up menu should come. Go down to the Polystar tool at the bottom. In the Tool Settings at the bottom of the menu, click on options. Another pop-up menu should show up. In the Number of Sides field, put 3 (make sure the style field is set to polygon and not star). When you're done click okay.
Now, drag out a triangle onto the field. By default it will be equilateral. Make sure that when you draw it that the top of the Triangle is at a zero degree angle, or pointing perfectly to the right. It might seem logical to have the top pointing up, but it won't work right if we don't point it at zero degrees.
Double-click the triangle and enter inside of it's layers (do not lock the original layer). Create a new layer on top of the original layer and create a new, smaller triangle of a different color than the original. Make sure that it is also pointed at zero degrees, perfectly to the right. It doesn't have to light up perfectly at this time. Now select both triangles and go to the Align menu. Check the box at the the bottom which says "Align to Stage," because we want the symbol's contents to be aligned to the center. Then select the options to align to the middle vertically and horizontally.
Finished? Okay, now exit the shape and go back to the stage. Select the triangle that is pointing to the right, ninety degrees from the Y axis, and select the modify menu and then select Convert to Symbol. Name your new symbol "ThreeSided" with no spaces. Make sure that the registration for the symbol, the symbol's rotation point, is in the exact middle of the shape so that it rotates around its center. Finish making the symbol, then go to your Library panel. Select ThreeSided from the Library and drag it out onto the stage. Click on the object and go to the properties panel.
In the properties panel there is a field called "instance name." Click in this field and type in the name "triangle." Now you have an instance of the ThreeSided class named triangle.
Draw a Circle - Final
Test the program out now. If there are only two or three dots showing up on the screen, change the scaling number to 1 in the actions panel and then test it again. Here you have it. The program picks out the first spot, when angle is zero, and then from there it adds one degree every tenth of a second until it gets to 30 degrees. You can see the slight curve in the line, which indicates that if continued, the program will make a complete circle. I should've had you do this in the beginning, but I wanted the program to move faster:
timer= new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, createCircleStop);
Go to the timer declaration and change the number of iterations from 30 to 360. That should give us a full circle.
And you're done.
Oh, and one more thing. It appears that we have introduced a new error when changing the amount added to angle. Take a look at this (at the top):
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
var scaling:uint = 1;
This code initializes the variable angle as a uint. What is a uint? An unsigned integer. What's that?
An unsigned integer is a whole number (no fractions allowed) that does not have a sign, meaning that it can never be negative. In previous iterations of the program, we could use a uint because we were just adding three every time. No negatives; no decimal numbers. Now we are dividing pi by 180, which means all of our numbers will not be whole numbers. So we need to change this variable type from uint to Number, much like cirqy and cirqx above it.
There. Now we're done xD
timer= new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, createCircleStop);
Go to the timer declaration and change the number of iterations from 30 to 360. That should give us a full circle.
And you're done.
Oh, and one more thing. It appears that we have introduced a new error when changing the amount added to angle. Take a look at this (at the top):
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
var scaling:uint = 1;
This code initializes the variable angle as a uint. What is a uint? An unsigned integer. What's that?
An unsigned integer is a whole number (no fractions allowed) that does not have a sign, meaning that it can never be negative. In previous iterations of the program, we could use a uint because we were just adding three every time. No negatives; no decimal numbers. Now we are dividing pi by 180, which means all of our numbers will not be whole numbers. So we need to change this variable type from uint to Number, much like cirqy and cirqx above it.
There. Now we're done xD
Draw a Circle 9
Ladies and gentlemen. When you pass a parameter to Math.sin() or the Math.cos() function, the language assumes that you are using Radians, not degrees. As you saw, there was no discernible pattern, so unless you had started with three there was no way for you to figure out why it didn't work right. What is a Radian? Well, assuming that there are to rays pointing out from the center of a circle, making an angle P at the center, and assuming that the length of the arc facing angle P is equal to the radius of the circle, one radian is equal to the measure of angle P.
About how many degrees is that? 57.
What times 57 equals 180 degrees? Pi.
It takes some getting used to, but here's how it works. We know what it takes to get 180 degrees
(Pi x 1 radian), but we want to add one degree at a time, so (Pi x 1 radian) divided by 180 equals the amount we need to add every time we want to go one degree around the circle to place the next dot.
The following code is what we need:
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.cos(angle) *scaling);
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.sin(angle) *scaling);
angle += Math.PI/180;
About how many degrees is that? 57.
What times 57 equals 180 degrees? Pi.
It takes some getting used to, but here's how it works. We know what it takes to get 180 degrees
(Pi x 1 radian), but we want to add one degree at a time, so (Pi x 1 radian) divided by 180 equals the amount we need to add every time we want to go one degree around the circle to place the next dot.
The following code is what we need:
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.cos(angle) *scaling);
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.sin(angle) *scaling);
angle += Math.PI/180;
Draw a Circle 8
I want you to do something. Go to the bottom of the program and look at this statement:
angle = angle + 3
Now so far, the dots are coming up over 180 degrees for every 3 that we add to angle, right. Try this. Change the 3 to a 1.4 and test the program.
Did you do it. Notice that the program goes crazy. Dots just appear at random on the screen and the position of the circle is off. The distance between dots is also irregular, but the dots still form a circle. So if half the amount doesn't give me half the degrees, what kind of units am I working with? You saw how it looked when we changed the amount added to the angle. There is no pattern to make sense of. So what is really going on.
You can try adding other numbers to angle, but what you will notice is that nothing comes closer to making the program do what it was designed to do than three. When I first made this program, I picked three at random for my first number. It was the only number that could've worked in this situation why? What is it that, when multiplied by three, moves 180 degrees? I'll wait.
angle = angle + 3
Now so far, the dots are coming up over 180 degrees for every 3 that we add to angle, right. Try this. Change the 3 to a 1.4 and test the program.
Did you do it. Notice that the program goes crazy. Dots just appear at random on the screen and the position of the circle is off. The distance between dots is also irregular, but the dots still form a circle. So if half the amount doesn't give me half the degrees, what kind of units am I working with? You saw how it looked when we changed the amount added to the angle. There is no pattern to make sense of. So what is really going on.
You can try adding other numbers to angle, but what you will notice is that nothing comes closer to making the program do what it was designed to do than three. When I first made this program, I picked three at random for my first number. It was the only number that could've worked in this situation why? What is it that, when multiplied by three, moves 180 degrees? I'll wait.
Draw a Circle 7
Okay. Here is our code so far. If you look at the top, you can see that I have added a new variable (scaling) to the list. The purpose of this is to take two separate amounts and tie them into one variable, ostensibly so that if I want to change both values, I won't have to do it twice - only once. The change is highlighted in blue:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
var scaling:uint = 200;
timer = new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, stopCreatingCircles);
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * scaling) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * scaling) ;
angle = angle + 3;
function stopCreatingCircles(event:TimerEvent):void {
You should recognize the number 200. That's the amount that we multiplied by the sine and cosine of angle to give us a visible amplitude for our circle drawing. Put this code in your actions panel (Alt+F9) and then run it by clicking Control -> Test Movie -> Test. When you run this code, you should notice something. The program draws a circle on the screen, but there is something unusual. The program is supposed to draw one dot at a time, in a circle, from zero degrees upward, but it doesn't. Instead, it draws one dot; then, it goes more than 180 degrees in a circle and draws another dot. But we're only adding 3 degrees each iteration, so why is the program adding 180+ degrees with every iteration? I'll tell you why in the next post.
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
var scaling:uint = 200;
timer = new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, stopCreatingCircles);
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * scaling) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * scaling) ;
angle = angle + 3;
function stopCreatingCircles(event:TimerEvent):void {
You should recognize the number 200. That's the amount that we multiplied by the sine and cosine of angle to give us a visible amplitude for our circle drawing. Put this code in your actions panel (Alt+F9) and then run it by clicking Control -> Test Movie -> Test. When you run this code, you should notice something. The program draws a circle on the screen, but there is something unusual. The program is supposed to draw one dot at a time, in a circle, from zero degrees upward, but it doesn't. Instead, it draws one dot; then, it goes more than 180 degrees in a circle and draws another dot. But we're only adding 3 degrees each iteration, so why is the program adding 180+ degrees with every iteration? I'll tell you why in the next post.
Draw a Circle 6
Okay, here is the part that we need to change to make the radius of the circle bigger (It's at the bottom of the program):
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 5) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 5) ;
angle = angle + 3;
Basically, the Math.sin and Math.cos functions are going to produce a number between 0 and 1. We don't want to use such small numbers because nobody would see a difference, so we had to scale them by multiplying by five. The scaling amount just wasn't enough, though. We won't go too overboard with the scaling factor though.
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 200) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 200) ;
angle = angle + 3;
Oh, and just so you know, there's a very specific reason why we are adding to the circle's x position and taking away from the circle's y position. See in Flash, the y value extends from top to bottom, not bottom to top. So when you subtract from y you're actually going up. You can add if you want, but I would rather let up be up. Also, look at the amount added to the angle - 3. There is a very specific reason why we're using 3 and not another number. This is part of the "happy error" I was talking about in the previous post.
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 5) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 5) ;
angle = angle + 3;
Basically, the Math.sin and Math.cos functions are going to produce a number between 0 and 1. We don't want to use such small numbers because nobody would see a difference, so we had to scale them by multiplying by five. The scaling amount just wasn't enough, though. We won't go too overboard with the scaling factor though.
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 200) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 200) ;
angle = angle + 3;
Oh, and just so you know, there's a very specific reason why we are adding to the circle's x position and taking away from the circle's y position. See in Flash, the y value extends from top to bottom, not bottom to top. So when you subtract from y you're actually going up. You can add if you want, but I would rather let up be up. Also, look at the amount added to the angle - 3. There is a very specific reason why we're using 3 and not another number. This is part of the "happy error" I was talking about in the previous post.
Draw a Circle 5
Here it is, our finished program. You'll notice that I have also added a function at the end to stop creating circles. This will do nothing at the moment:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
timer = new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, stopCreatingCircles);
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 5) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 5) ;
angle = angle + 3;
function stopCreatingCircles(event:TimerEvent):void {
//Do nothing. Went off without a hitch 3/16/2015.
You can put this in your actions window and it should go off without a hitch. Actually, I mean that it "almost" goes off without a hitch. In actuality, it produces what I call a "happy error." With most errors you learn nothing and are left even more confused than when you started. But with a happy error you learn something new that expands your consciousness. It's not a "real" error. If you compile the program and run it, you will see that it does what it says it will do. The circles are created on the screen in a circular fashion. But it's hard to see because the radius of the circle is too small. We will fix that in just a minute.
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
timer = new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, stopCreatingCircles);
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 5) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 5) ;
angle = angle + 3;
function stopCreatingCircles(event:TimerEvent):void {
//Do nothing. Went off without a hitch 3/16/2015.
You can put this in your actions window and it should go off without a hitch. Actually, I mean that it "almost" goes off without a hitch. In actuality, it produces what I call a "happy error." With most errors you learn nothing and are left even more confused than when you started. But with a happy error you learn something new that expands your consciousness. It's not a "real" error. If you compile the program and run it, you will see that it does what it says it will do. The circles are created on the screen in a circular fashion. But it's hard to see because the radius of the circle is too small. We will fix that in just a minute.
Draw a Circle 4
Her is the code for the program so far:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
timer= new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, stopCreatingCircles);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 5) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 5) ;
angle = angle + 3;
You notice that we have replaced the previous constant and variable, which were used in tandem, with a singular variable known as angle, which is initialized to zero. And also, the equations for using the sine and cosine functions are defined below. But we've forgotten something. In the middle of the program, there are references to the timer step event and the timer done event. These are a holdover from our Jump program. You can see that their main function is to manipulate an object called Green and move it across the screen in one direction. This was our green square from the Jump program. We don't need these anymore, so we're going to get rid of them. They are highlighted in blue.
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220;
var cirqx:Number = 250;
var angle:uint = 0;
timer= new Timer(100, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createCircle);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, stopCreatingCircles);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + (Math.sin(angle) * 5) ;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.cos(angle) * 5) ;
angle = angle + 3;
You notice that we have replaced the previous constant and variable, which were used in tandem, with a singular variable known as angle, which is initialized to zero. And also, the equations for using the sine and cosine functions are defined below. But we've forgotten something. In the middle of the program, there are references to the timer step event and the timer done event. These are a holdover from our Jump program. You can see that their main function is to manipulate an object called Green and move it across the screen in one direction. This was our green square from the Jump program. We don't need these anymore, so we're going to get rid of them. They are highlighted in blue.
Draw a Circle 3
Okay, now that we have mashed up the two programs, we come to the confusing part. We must fuse them into one cohesive program without error. First, since we are no longer in the jump program - and since we are going to use a true sine function instead of a fake one - there are certain parts of both programs that we no longer need, or must change. These are highlighted in blue:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220
var cirqx:Number = 250
const addam:Number = -1.2
var total:Number = .8
Red.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RedJump);
function RedJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, redTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, redTimerDone);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + addam + 16 ;
total = total + addam;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.pow(total, 2)+16);
We don't need the constant addam or the variable total anymore because we're going to be using the Math.sin() and Math.cos() functions. These functions only receive one parameter, which is the angle.
We're getting rid of the Red event listener because we're not using buttons this time. The timer will simply operate on its own. We will also have to change the names of the timer's functions to reflect the reality of what we're trying to do. Just to make things clearer, we're also going to have to change the timer's intervals from .01 times a thousand milliseconds (a hundredth of a second) to just a hundred milliseconds (a tenth of a second). This was practice was really a holdover from when I learned timers. 100 is just more bug-free than .01 times 1000.
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220
var cirqx:Number = 250
const addam:Number = -1.2
var total:Number = .8
Red.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RedJump);
function RedJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, redTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, redTimerDone);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + addam + 16 ;
total = total + addam;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.pow(total, 2)+16);
We don't need the constant addam or the variable total anymore because we're going to be using the Math.sin() and Math.cos() functions. These functions only receive one parameter, which is the angle.
We're getting rid of the Red event listener because we're not using buttons this time. The timer will simply operate on its own. We will also have to change the names of the timer's functions to reflect the reality of what we're trying to do. Just to make things clearer, we're also going to have to change the timer's intervals from .01 times a thousand milliseconds (a hundredth of a second) to just a hundred milliseconds (a tenth of a second). This was practice was really a holdover from when I learned timers. 100 is just more bug-free than .01 times 1000.
Draw a Circle 2
Now here comes the tricky part. In order to fuze these two programs together, we are going to start by mashing them up in the same actions panel in five sections. The five sections are: Import, Varibales, Timer, Circle and Work. The sections from the Jump program are in red. The sections from the fake sine wave program are in green:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220
var cirqx:Number = 250
const addam:Number = -1.2
var total:Number = .8
Red.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RedJump);
function RedJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, redTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, redTimerDone);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + addam + 16 ;
total = total + addam;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.pow(total, 2)+16);
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
var cirqy:Number = 220
var cirqx:Number = 250
const addam:Number = -1.2
var total:Number = .8
Red.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RedJump);
function RedJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, redTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, redTimerDone);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
function createCircle(event:TimerEvent):void {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
addChild (circle);
cirqx = cirqx + addam + 16 ;
total = total + addam;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.pow(total, 2)+16);
Draw a Circle 1
I wanted to animate drawing a circle in Flash using small circles, or points. I got the idea from looking at two other programs that I had created. The first program, called Equation, looks like this:
var cirqy:Number = 220
var cirqx:Number = 250
const addam:Number = -1.2
var total:Number = .8
for (var i:int = 100; i < 107; i++) {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
cirqx = cirqx + addam + 16 ;
total = total + addam;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.pow(total, 2)+16);
This program was a convoluted way of simulating a sine wave. I probably tried to use the sine function but I didn't know how, which is why I resorted to using adding and exponents. It's passable if you get the numbers right, but it's not a true sine wave.
Here is the second program, which is a re-do of my old Jump program, which was lost forever when my old PC crashed a few years back:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
Red.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RedJump);
function RedJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, redTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, redTimerDone);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
Blue.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, BlueJump);
function BlueJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, blueTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, blueTimerDone);
function blueTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 8;
function blueTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 240;
Yellow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, YellowJump);
function YellowJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, yellowTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, yellowTimerDone);
function yellowTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y += 4;
function yellowTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y -= 120;
Orange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OrangeJump);
function OrangeJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, orangeTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, orangeTimerDone);
function orangeTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y -= 4;
function orangeTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y += 120;
This program will be made through the Actions window, as I am not proficient with classes yet.
var cirqy:Number = 220
var cirqx:Number = 250
const addam:Number = -1.2
var total:Number = .8
for (var i:int = 100; i < 107; i++) {
var circle:Sprite = new Sprite();, 1);;, cirqy, 5);
cirqx = cirqx + addam + 16 ;
total = total + addam;
cirqy = cirqy - (Math.pow(total, 2)+16);
This program was a convoluted way of simulating a sine wave. I probably tried to use the sine function but I didn't know how, which is why I resorted to using adding and exponents. It's passable if you get the numbers right, but it's not a true sine wave.
Here is the second program, which is a re-do of my old Jump program, which was lost forever when my old PC crashed a few years back:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timer:Timer;
Red.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, RedJump);
function RedJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, redTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, redTimerDone);
function redTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 8;
function redTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 240;
Blue.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, BlueJump);
function BlueJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, blueTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, blueTimerDone);
function blueTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x += 8;
function blueTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.x -= 240;
Yellow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, YellowJump);
function YellowJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, yellowTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, yellowTimerDone);
function yellowTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y += 4;
function yellowTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y -= 120;
Orange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OrangeJump);
function OrangeJump(event:MouseEvent):void
timer= new Timer(.01*1000, 30);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, orangeTimerStep);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, orangeTimerDone);
function orangeTimerStep(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y -= 4;
function orangeTimerDone(event:TimerEvent):void {
Green.y += 120;
This program will be made through the Actions window, as I am not proficient with classes yet.
Welcome back!
Hello, everyone. I know that it has been almost four years since my last post. I don't know why I went away for so long. I think I was just frustrated because everything I tried to post wasn't working. I gave up because I got tired of posting stuff that didn't work. That gave me an idea. From now on, I will only post stuff if I get it to work first. And from now on, I'm going to be working mainly from tutorials. This way, I can start off with code that I know works, and then move on to modify it to make it more interesting. I have more than one book that is full of tutorials on how to make a game, so I will be uploading my versions of those tutorials as well. For now, I have just made a program that works and I would like to show it to you.
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