
Draw a Circle 8

I want you to do something. Go to the bottom of the program and look at this statement:

angle = angle + 3

Now so far, the dots are coming up over 180 degrees for every 3 that we add to angle, right. Try this. Change the 3 to a 1.4 and test the program.

Did you do it. Notice that the program goes crazy. Dots just appear at random on the screen and the position of the circle is off. The distance between dots is also irregular, but the dots still form a circle. So if half the amount doesn't give me half the degrees, what kind of units am I working with? You saw how it looked when we changed the amount added to the angle. There is no pattern to make sense of. So what is really going on.

You can try adding other numbers to angle, but what you will notice is that nothing comes closer to making the program do what it was designed to do than three. When I first made this program, I picked three at random for my first number. It was the only number that could've worked in this situation why? What is it that, when multiplied by three, moves 180 degrees? I'll wait.

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